About Us



Flying R Ranch, located on Curtis Road in Bridgewater, CT, is considered the 'North Farm' to Sunny Meadow Farm.

Ed Bennett is the manager and farmer of Flying R Ranch.  He tackles a multitude of tasks such as the cultivation of various seasonal crops including pumpkins, corn, melons, and sunflowers. He also sells hay in both round and square bales, as well as firewood. Additionally Flying R Ranch offers services to customers such as brush cutting of fields, trenching, and construction of farm ponds.

Who we are

Meet Ed Bennett

Ed Bennett, originally from Sherman, CT, comes from a farming background. His grandfather was a farmer, overseeing both cattle and a substantial flock of 5,000 chickens. In addition to his farming heritage, Ed also ventured into the business world, owning a tree service and lawn care company. He has spent many years in Bridgewater, and has been actively involved in the community, volunteering with the fire department and serving as a Selectman.

Ed's profound connection to the land and his keen interest in farmland restoration led him to work for Peter Pratt at Levon’s Farm located on Curtis Road. As time passed and the farm underwent changes in ownership, it evolved into the beautiful Flying R Ranch, with Ed taking on the role of Farm Manager.

Around Flying R Farm