Helen Blackwood lovingly tends the flock.
Helen sees to the sheep and goat's needs twice a day, every day. The animal husbandry program was started three years ago, and they welcomed their first batch of sheep born in December of ‘22.
The goats and sheep coexist nicely, they have three beautiful acres of pasture, and each night they get tucked into one of the pastures for safe keeping.
The sheep and goats are pasture raised and given supplemental hay, minerals, salts and grain. The goats get copper supplements every six months.
Goats are considered ‘browsers’- they eat leaves, twigs and other parts of trees and shrubs. The sheep are grazers, so the two families can coexist in the pastures nicely and not compete for food.
The sheep we have are a breed called Texel, it is a breed that originated from Holland in 1909.
They maxed out at 19 fluffy family members, and had to send some to auction.

Meet the family

Three sheep were born in April of 2024

All born to the same mother so they were very fragile

All three had to be bottle fed.

Our ram is named Tuck.
Tuck has been a busy boy- three of the ewes are pregnant. Their gestation is 5 months, so we are eagerly anticipating the birth of our spring lambs!
Our goats are curious, playful and full of personality!